Westchester Region NAACP ACT-SO Gold MedalistsCompete in 46th Annual National Competition
Boston, MA - On July 26th, nine regional gold medalists representing the Westchester Region NAACP ACT-SO Coalition, travelled to Boston, Massachusetts, to compete at the 46th Annual NAACP ACT-SO National Competition. These exceptional talented students competed in their respective categories in the areas of STEM, Visual Arts and Humanities. The gold medalists displayed mastery of their competitive skills alongside several hundred other students from across the country.
We are pleased to announce the names and schools of our nine regional gold medalists who represented the Westchester Region this year and who we proudly congratulate:
• Orion Juma Douglas – STEM - Medicine & Health – Senior, Ossining High School - Northeastern University, Boston, MA (September 2023)
• Aryanna Lluesma-Hoover – Painting – Senior, Alexander Hamilton High School - SUNY Purchase College, Purchase, NY (September 2023)
• Leah Charity-Spriggs – STEM - Engineering - Junior, Tuckahoe High School
• Micheal Middleton – Dance – Freshman, Denzel Washington School of the Arts
• Brice Buchanan – Music Instrumental Contemporary – Senior, Denzel Washington School of the Arts - SUNY Purchase College, Purchase, NY (September 2023)
• Harmony Hopwood - Poetry Performance - Freshman, New Rochelle High School
• Lauren Satchell - Music Vocal Contemporary - Senior, Denzel Washington School of the Arts - Stonehill College, Easton, MA (September 2023)
• Devynne Hernandez – Drawing – Senior, Ossining High School - SUNY Purchase College, Purchase, NY (September 2023).
• Ilana Rahim-Braden - Original Essay- Senior, Westhill High School Texas A&M University (September 2023).
A special congratulations to Orion Juma Douglas, who was awarded a Silver Medal and a $1500.00 scholarship in his category, STEM(Medicine and Health) and Arrianna Lluesma-Hoover who was awarded a Bronze medal and a $1,000.00 scholarship in her category, Painting.
The Westchester Region ACT-SO Coalition is also delighted to announce, that for the second year, Lancôme Cosmetics USA once again partnered with the NAACP and ACT-SO in awarding 40 scholarships to the next “generation of women” with their “Write Her Future Scholarship Fund.” The fund is designed to empower female students of color through literacy and education as well as mentoring and entrepreneurship opportunities.
We are delighted to announce that Ilana Rahim-Braden, Original Essay regional gold medalist, was selected as one of the forty participants who will receive a $10,000.00 scholarship from the esteemed cosmetic organization.
The Westchester Region NAACP ACT-SO Coalition enrichment programming continues their long tradition of significant positive youth development by engaging and empowering students who proudly represent Westchester County.
The national ACT-SO theme this year was “GLOW” and our nine regional medalist did just that, demonstrating their talents with dedication, passion and pride. Congratulations to all of the students who participated this year.
ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics) was founded in 1978 by author and journalist Vernon Jarrett and adopted by the NAACP as a major youth initiative. It is a vehicle through which African-American high school youth may develop and demonstrate potential for excellence in arts and letters, scientific and artistic pursuits.
Questions regarding ACT-SO and offers of assistance as mentors, judges and other roles may be directed to Ms. Ingraham Taylor, Chairperson, at (914) 391-5435.
